Limit CPU utilization on Linux dependent on system load
On a bustling server, you need to try not to put more burden on the machine with applications that are not time-touchy. cpulimit is a Linux instrument that permits you to restrict CPU assets for such projects. In this little instructional exercise, I clarify how you can utilize cpulimit relying upon the normal burden on your framework utilizing the uptime order.
Maybe the most well-known use situation for cpulimit is the choking of a backup program. You presumably don't care either way if your backup requires several minutes longer. Accordingly, it doesn't appear to be legit to dial back a bustling server and let end clients stand by to make a backup program finish as quick as could really be expected.
Suppose you make your backup with tar and pack them with gzip. You will see that gzip is a genuine asset hoard and will rapidly hold onto all accessible CPU assets. This is the place where cpulimit comes in.
The establishment of cpulimit is straightforward. On Ubuntu, you just run the accompanying orders:
apt updateapt install cpulimit
Most models on the web will look pretty much like this:
tar -c myData | gzip -c > myData.gz & cpulimit -l 10 -e gzip
Since tar doesn't utilize a lot of CPU power, we just need to choke gzip. The - e boundary tells cpulimit to look for an interaction named gzip, and - l determines the level of CPU permitted. For our situation, cpulimit can utilize 10% of the accessible CPU assets.
The model above has two issues. To begin with, you can't be completely certain that no other gzip process is running. cpulimit may then catch some unacceptable interaction. Second, on a bustling server, cpulimit may begin before gzip shows up on the interaction list. All things considered, cpulimit will exit with the message "No cycle found."
One method for taking care of the subsequent issue is to add the rest order later the main line. Assuming you hang tight for three seconds or thereabouts, gzip doubtlessly will be running. Be that as it may, this arrangement doesn't take care of the main issue. An answer for the two issues is this:
tar -c myData | gzip -c > myData.gz &cpulimit -l 10 -p $!
Rather than the - e boundary, I've been utilizing - p, which permits you to pass the interaction ID of the cycle that you need to choke. The $! variable alludes to the interaction ID of the most as of late executed foundation order.
#!/bin/bashLIMIT="0.5"L1="$(uptime | awk -F "load average:" '{ print $2 }' | cut -d, -f1)"RESULT=$(echo "$L1 > $LIMIT" | bc)tar -c myData | gzip -c > myData.gz &if [ "$RESULT" == "1" ]; then cpulimit -b -l 10 -p $!fi
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